2nd Newsletter

here we are with the 2nd Newsletter of Nomad Community. From your replies we can really start developing the First Step of our Tribe. With you we are around 100, the promoters of Nomad Community "the First Nomad Tribe born in the Interactive Era" Today we enter together in the active phase of the project, your presence and co-operation will be very important! But no more words.... here are the facts!

1. Nomad's Round the World Tour

Together we are settling the Tribe’s first step: All Around the World, a Trip open to everyone. There'll be no selection or inscription fee; people of any age, religion, political status, sex, nationality, culture that populate the World.

IIt's called: the Interactive Round the World Tour. A global adventure, where everyone has a role. For this reason we decide that the participation within the Round the World Tour can be Physical and Virtual, it’s up to you!

PHYSICAL TRAVELLERS will reach the Car@van of Nomads travelling the World (choosing when, how and where to join it). They will live the experiences on the field, animating and colouring the Tribe. They will discover cultures and populations, wonders of nature and world sites. Freedom of movement, to do the trip.

VIRTUAL TRAVELLERS take part to the trip through interaction with the web site (coming soon). They will decide itineraries, directions, ways and events. Choosing a place or a transport, the organisation of a big party with locals or a humanitarian and environmental project. From their choices and advice will depend the evolution of the First Step of Nomad Community. . Freedom of expression, to decide the trip.

In this Round the World Tour, Physical and Virtual Nomads will be complementary, but also interchangeable because, at anytime those following the trip at home can decide to join the travellers on the field or "vice versa".

Together we are creating the First Global Interactive Event,
the First World Game !

Till now do you agree? So it’s time for you to carry on: we need to decide a few things: would you like to start this trip in the North or South hemisphere? Which subject do you prefer: nature, people, culture, recreation or...? When would you like to start the trip?

Send us your e-mails and those of your friends or potential New Nomads. Write to us your feelings and suggestions.

Preparing a Trip is the beginning of it!

2. Phrases of your e-mail

I’d like our trip to be based on the simple friendship and exchange of views, ideas, information and knowledge. danielep@lhsl.it

I’d like to open people’s horizons, I’d like to incite people not to try to extend but to widen their life, learn not to be afraid of the different and not to renounce to their originality, not to throw themselves away into mediocrity and remember that our only limit is the sky!!! majlco@tin.it

I have an idea: create a post (or stop) station, like a youth hostel or a mountain hut at travellers' disposal, travellers intellectually rich! The stations could be places all around the world and I could be the keeper of one near me and a user of those far away. marcanti@tiscalinet.it

When I've read about the "tribe" immediately I thought worlds like peace, friendship, community, and all the positives terms that make rich even those who don't have money. hubie@hotmail.com

I'd be very happy to organise the Round the World Tour, open to everybody, like you say, to involve different people. Starting in 10 and arriving to 1000! It's not just an utopia. It's important to use the big internet "ship", joining the Real World with Virtual Village. lelerooster@virgilio.it

We're creating a real Tribe and a Trip All together Around the World; that's great! sarahpennacchi@hotmail.com

Travellers should always try to learn as much they can from their trips and they have to remember not to impose their culture. We must always remember that we are guest in the Countries we go! So this project could teach people how to travel: respecting people and Countries silvia_it_97@yahoo.com

To the next Newsletter and "PASSA PAROLA"
(that means let everybody know about Nomad Community)

Nomad Community
Matteo Pennacchi