  Somerset West
  S34°04   E18°51
"Who of you has already driven a caravan driving on the left hand side?". "Nobody!" we answer worried. It's a huge Mercedes 312 Turbo Diesel. When we received the keys, a strong feeling of responsability overcomes. Theo behind the wheels, to calm everyone Aleko puts on jamaican music.
Zigzaging in the african traffic with our two new Nomads, Davide and Rezia. Stopping at a resting area, the adrenalin overcomes and excited, we start decorating the caravan with our stickers and the sponsors ones. The Car@van takes form!

Morning, huge soccer match Europe-Africa, we lost... no comment!

Vale (first night in the caravan): Are you sure you pulled the hand brake?
Aleko snores with a constant rythm and constantly
One of us farts, but we don't know yet who is it. We will check it out.
Technical info on the 'monster'.
2.75m. height
5.58m. long
2.03m. width
2.225 tonnes (empty)
Accessories: Fridge, 5 beds (for people that love each other), a toilet (for skinny dwarfs), real plates and real glasses, radio-tape (we brought the CD player), 4 seats and a little table.

Nobody knows what awaits for us tomorrow...enjoy the present!
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